Vacation Rentals at RoomLender

It all started in Chicago a few years back with an empty Loop apartment and some leftover furniture from a former tenant in Rogers Park.

The basic combination of these 3 elements - available apartment, good location, giveaway furniture - gave birth to a simple idea: a hotel manner short term rental for business people who want more than just a hotel room.

The former empty apartment suddenly was never empty; the demand for corporate rentals surpassed every expectation, and the apartment became a money maker.

It appeared that a significant number of business travelers preferred the independent lifestyle, added comfort, and lower cost granted by a corporate rental apartment, then the limitations of a hotel room.

More and more apartments and condos turned into corporate and vacation rentals seattle and the demand stayed high until winter froze both Chicago and the bookings.Another bright idea saved the day: when Chicago was off season, Florida enjoyed full vacation swing; so, new locations and new cities started adding to the Chicago rentals such as vacation rentals seattle. In the following years, the people behind RoomLender became seasoned hosts with a deep understanding of the hospitality industry, but also of remote property management using online tools and Internet marketing to successfully generate consistent business.


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