Bagansiapiapi (also known as Bagan 峇眼 (Pinyin : Bayan) or Baganapi 峇眼亞比 (Pinyin : Bayanyabi)) is a small town near Dumai, Riau, Indonesia. The town is the capital of Rokan Hilir Regency in the Riau Province and is located on the east coast of Sumatra, on the Rokan River delta across the strait west of Malacca.

The town was originally populated mainly by Chinese immigrants who arrived at the end of 19th and the beginning of 20th century. Initially eighteen Chinese nationals sailed to Bagansiapiapi around 200 years ago and settled on the delta.

All were from the family named Ang / Hong. More followed, searching for a new life and seeking to avoid the economic hardships prevalent in Hokkian Province in China (Pinyin : Fujian) at that time.

Most of the Chinese population are Hokkianese, originating from Tang-Ua (Pinyin : Tong'an) now part of E-Meng (Pinyin : Xiamen), Kim-Mng (also known as Kinmen or Quemoy) (Pinyin : Jinmen), and Cin-Kang (Pinyin : Jinjiang). Some Teochew (Pinyin : Chaozhou), living mainly in the southern part, and a minority of Khek/Hakka also populated the town. Most of Chinese population communicate using the Tang-Ua dialect of Hokkianese.

Bagansiapiapi was one of the largest fish producers in the world during the late 1980s and early 1990s, ranking third in the world. Bagansiapiapi is also famous for swallow nest farming. Indonesia's bird's nests are famous for their quality and are well liked by consumers. This industry has lead Bagansiapiapi into a new era of economic growth, involving investment, high activity in building construction and export growth.

Every year, the Chinese community celebrates the anniversary of Bagansiapiapi, on the 16th day, of the 5th month of the Lunar year, believing that the initial immigrant group landed at Bagansiapiapi on that day, known as "Bakar Tongkang" or Barge Burning.

The ceremony is also to respect Kie Ong Ya (The Gods of Sea) and held with very wonderful ritual attraction & parade. They had brought these statues from China mainland. They believed that those gods had guaranteed them with safety during their sailing to Bagansiapi-api. To show their gratefulness for the safety and prosperity they had received from the sea, as well as honoring the gods, this Chinese ethnic of Bagansiapi-api, then carries out the ritual of Barge Burning, which is conducted every year.

The praying process is conducted on days 15, 16 of the 5th month of Chinese calendar. Thousand peoples are coming from various cities in Indonesia and countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong etc to attend this ceremony. One interesting section during this ceremony is when the barge’s mast broken down, the direction of its falling is shown which subject will have lucky in the next year.

This event has been done since 1920. During this event it is not surprising that most of the hotel in the city has been fully booked by the Chinese people who arrive from all districts to attend this attraction.

Some sources say that this ritual of Barge Burning is actually carried out to commemorate the birthday of Sea Gods called Kie Ong Ya. This ritual has some specific characteristics that can not be found in other parts of Indonesia. Now this ritual has become one of the national's tourism attraction.

In recent years, urbanization has been an issue. Most of the youth leave the town after high school to pursue a better life, or higher education in larger cities. They normally return for the traditional family reunion during the Lunar New Year celebrations.

Fishing Town
In the 1980s Bagansiapiapi was one of the largest fish producing towns in Indonesia, and the second highest producer of fish in the world, after Norway.

The fishing industry started with the first wave of Chinese immigrants, attracted to the area by the availability of abundant fishing. The town's heyday came under the jurisdiction of the Dutch East Indies, around 1930, when the fisheries produced 300,000 tons of fish per year. The annual production has fallen since, being particularly affected by a collapse of fish numbers since the 1970's, by which time over 800 trawlers based in the town were fishing the Shunda Shelf. The trawling ban in Indonesian waters, introduced in 1980, has had a significant effect on the economy of the town.

TransportationTransportation has been an area of concern for the government, as there is currently no airport. Bagansiapiapi is reached by road, being some 6 hours from Pekanbaru, capital of Riau, and 2.5 hours from Dumai. From North Sumatra and Medan the travel time by road is about 11 hours.

The local government has an ongoing policy of improving the town infrastructure, including the widening of roads and improving street lighting.

In June 2008, a new ferry line opened from Port Dickson, Malaysia, with a travel time of three hours.


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