Win A 2 Night Stay At South Beach is giving away a 2 night stay at a South Beach hotel (prize value up to- $500) to their Facebook fans. Become a Facebook Fan & let your friends post a comment on CRSHotels facebook wall with your name in it. The person with the most referrals will win 2 night stay at a South Beach hotel (prize value up to - $500). Hurry, this contest ends on April 15th 2013!”

- is something worth talking about to your friends!
- "Like" fan page
- The fan with the most referrals by April, 15th at 12:00 AM EST wins 2 night stay at a South Beach hotel (prize value up to - $500)!
- Your friends must write your name on our wall after they fan our page so that we can count your referrals. (names in comments will NOT count!)
- Contest open to legal U.S. residents above age 21 only. Only those referrals that "Like" are eligible.

- Anyone who has previously “Liked” the Fanpage is ineligible. “Likes” must come from genuine Facebook accounts and there must only be one "like" and referral mention per one person.
- No Purchase necessary


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